Thursday, September 19, 2013

Painting The Storage Room and Bath Rooms!

Today I painted three rooms, the storage and the 2 bathrooms, and had a little experience which I won't soon forget. I will tell you about that in a bit but first......

The storage room.  

The big bathroom. (Upstairs)
And the little bathroom. (Downstairs)
So I finished panting the rooms and started to wash the walls in the hallway at top of the stairs. When I had to go the restroom, BAD! Well I was in such a hurry that I slammed the door to hard and the bucket of water, which was setting right by the steps, went falling down the stairs. Then I, not knowing this, went to the kitchen to get a snack and slipped on the water. Down the stairs I tumbled, bump, bump, bump, and landed on my rump. Now I am very sore. I think I will go rest. TTYL

1 comment:

  1. When is your next post? Please reply! I really like your blog!
    - Anonymous A.
